Music for stage performance, Teatret Vårt (2022)

Music for the theatre piece Dei som fer (Those Who Leave) at Teatret Vårt, Molde. The music is performed a cappella by the five performers, as well as by a local project choir situated in the audience seating.

Dei som fer is a unique collaboration between the two writers Mette Karlsvik and Arne Lygre, merging the two original texts Eg byrjar (Karlsvik) and Jeg forsvinner (Lygre), into a collaborative history that is both personal and near, while at the same time outlining a mythological time span from the origin of earth, to the possible apocalypse. References to Norse mythology, natural science, contemporary observations and possible future scenarios related to Møre and Romsdal, constitutes the framework for a story about five persons who choose either to leave, or to stay behind. Water, wind, light and clouds are drawn into the scenography. The music is inspired by folk tunes from the northwestern area of Norway, having a comforting and strengthening power.

Vannvittig bra teater.
Romsdals Budstikke

Med Dei som fer har Teatret Vårt fått ein flott start på 50-årsfeiringa si.
Norsk Shakespeare Tidsskrift

Scenografien er illustrerande, regien er stram, personinstruksjonen god, og det er framifrå ensemblespel.

SCREENPLAY BY Mette Karlsvik og Arne Lygre
DIRECTION Mari Vatne Kjeldstadli
COMPOSER Ingvild Langgård
PERFORMERS Mari Strand Ferstad, Ingrid Myhre Løvik, Johanna Mørck, Kjersti Botn Sandal, Tov Sletta
CHOIR Line Bjørnerem, Mary-Ann Bjørnerem, Anne Jorun Frostad, Ingvil Grytli, Anne Hungnes, Lena Håre, Steinar Johnsen, Anne Grete Kleven, Hilde Kortgård, Kristina Vik Myrvold, Kristine Nakken, Kjersti Nordbø, Anne Paustian, Unni M. Aspehjell Rishaug, Lise Ræstad, Heidi Skarvøy, Karin Skjetne, Olav Stavik